Refund Policy
We created this platform to make things simpler. We additionally offer a 15-day money-back guarantee for items that don't meet your demands, to further simplify your experience.
How can I get a refund?
Get in touch with our customer service agents to submit a refund request.
Our customer support department is open from 9:00 to 18:00 on Monday through Friday.
As an alternative, you can log in to our website and complete the task.
When can I expect my money back?
As soon as we receive and review returned merchandise, we process all reimbursements within 3–7 business days. We send you an email to let you know when your refund has been successfully processed in the original payment method. The process of having money credited back to your account by your bank or another entity takes time.
I still have inquiries. How can I find the answers?
To speak with our customer service representatives, our email address is
Check all purchased items carefully for missing or damaged parts as soon as you receive them.
The products must be returned within the allotted 15 days of purchase. Lost or stolen packages, as well as returns made after the 15-day period, are not our responsibility. Shipping firms handle lost or stolen packages appropriately.